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Reviews and Backbends

When I started on this journey, I knew that reviews were important. Every author, new or established, lives and dies by their reviews. So far, (knock on wood) I have just a few reviews, but they are all five star reviews. YAY!

What I didn't know was how some companies make it so hard to review a book. I sent all my potential reviewers to big daddy Amazon. What I found out about Amazon was this: First , you need to have an account with them. Then, if you haven't bought $50 worth of goods on Amazon in the last year, you can't leave a review on anything. Hmmm. Ok. If this is the case for you, please just go to one of the other review sources listed below.

The next thing about Amazon is that you can only get five unverified (that is, the book was not bought through them) in a week. If you inexplicably can't post your review, this may be what is happening. Please wait til Monday and try again. The link to that page :

If you are on Goodreads, they don't make it easy to find where to write a review. But if you click on the fifth star at the top of the page where it says rate the book, (hint, hint) a little window pops up and asks if you want to write a review. Click on that and it will take you to another page where you can fill in the box. You can find that page here:

For Barnes and Noble, you need to have an account with them, just like Amazon. Review button is big and bold at the bottom of the page.

I think the reviews at Facebook are the easiest. No rules that I can see. Book reviews are on the right side of the page. That link is here.

If you are writing a review, don't get caught up and think it needs to be some incredible writing masterpiece. Just say what you liked about it, writing the way you speak.

And finally, if you are writing a review for me - I thank you - from the bottom of my heart.


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