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Take care of yourself...

A friend on Facebook who recently lost his mother asked what it means to 'take care of yourself.' I thought it was an amazing question. First of all, not knowing what this fundamental, yet curiously oft-used phrase means is one thing. But, far worse, it probably means that he wasn't taking care of himself already, which concerned me.

The most basic answers to this charge include not forgetting to eat or exercise. But some really insightful comments included: "Are you letting your

self feel the emotions you need to feel? Are you isolating from nonessential stressors? Are you reaching out to your treasured inner circle for the help you need? Can I make you dinner, draw a bath, a cup of something warm, or a put on a fresh set of sheets?" Wow. What great insights from a great friend.

In this terrible time called 2020 - I think we can say seriously that taking care of yourself isn't limited to someone who is grieving a terrible loss, but is something that we should do for ourselves all the time.

For me, its about:

Taking time to read... (of course)

Watching the branches of my tree dance in the wind...

Eating good, nutritious food that nourishes me

But also indulging in ice cream and chocolate when its needed...

Listening to the sounds of nature...

The wind through the wings of geese flying overhead

The crickets singing

The grass blowing in the fields

The water music of a creek or a fountain

Walking Bella, the wonder dog, at her pace - not mine...

Getting a lovely pedicure with a massage...

Talking to my husband about what really matters...

Taking steps to ensure a good night's sleep...

You'll notice most of this doesn't cost anything. It is also a lot of mindfulness or taking the time to just be in the moment.

What about you? What do you do to take care of yourself? I'd love to hear what you do and share ideas on some beautiful self care techniques.


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